Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Last Year as a Wilson

So tonight I was talking to my sister and I made a reference to "this will be my last Thanksgiving" - a joke from a few years ago - and she said to me that this is her last year as a Wilson. I got pretty sappy when she told me this and I started to, of course, get a bit teary eyed. It's not for being sad that my sister is getting married - it's for the changes that life bring and that sometimes they take your breath away.

She asked me to be her Maid of Honor a few weeks ago - and that also took my breath away. Just thinking of being there for my sissykins as she is married to a wonderful man makes me happy. I know that doesn't describe the fullness of what I feel, but I am so happy that she found the one for her.

I don't know if I necessarily believe in soul mates, but I believe that people fit together and my sissy and David fit. Congrats sissy and David. I love you guys.

Dupree :)


Sarah Beth??? said...

Oh sissy poo that was sweet of you. Do not fret little one, I'll still have some Wilson left in me, and Lord knows I've even got a tiny bit of Hight in there somewhere deep down. Way deep down. But don't think of me as no more Wilson, think of the new and improved GLENN verson of me.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a beautiful first blog! Well that is super sweet and I am really glad that you are cool with the idea of coming and hanging out. You know you are always welcome and are definately a big part of our lives so this is just moving things to another phase thats all :)